Growth Groups
What Is a Growth Group?
A Growth Group is a small group made up of any number of people below 20 who meet weekly for the purpose of spiritual growth through friendships, mutual support, sharing, gathering around the Bible to study and understand it, and prayer for one another and our community.
How Important Are Growth Groups?
Growth Groups are incredibly important! People often express concern that they do not feel connected to the church, or that they do not know enough people in the church, or know them deeply in relationship. God's family should know and love and serve one another, and that happens primarily through Growth Groups. Growing spiritually does not happen by chance or by just knowing what the Bible teaches us, but when we both know what God tells us in His Word, the Bible, and we actually apply and do what we know the Bible teaches. Application, living out our faith and the teachings of Jesus, happens best in the context of the encouragement and support of community. We grow spiritually best when we are connected relationally with other of God's people.
When and Where Do Growth Groups Meet?
Growth Groups meet on various nights of the week, and even a few at the church during the daytime. Most are evenings meeting around the 6-8pm hours in a home in our community. We purposely spread out the homes where they meet so one is hopefully close to you. We have one that meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30 at the church at the same times as the children's and youth ministries meet. Please call the church at (970) 874-9497 or drop by Welcome Booth to find out the current listings.
What Is The Expected Commitment? How Long Do They Last? When Do They Start?
Joining a Growth Group is easy! Yet, since we are seeking to "do life together" we ask that you join the group for 3 months, from September until December in the Fall, and from February until April in the Spring. There is a 6 week break in the winter between the times, and the Summer is off. Both are to encourage families spending time with one another.
What About Child Care?
Growth Groups are for adults only. We encourage a cross section of the church in each group, singles, adolescents, couples, parents with kids. We leave it up to each family to work out their own childcare. Sometimes it is best for families to share a sitter or to swap childcare with another family whose Growth Group meets on a different evening. This is a great way for the church to minister and meet the needs of one another! We also have childcare for the Teel's home Growth Group only.
What Will We Study?
The studies are usually sermon based in the Fall, with one exception for the Growth Group on Wednesday nights. You can imagine the weekend message as a Christian Biblical teaching on Christian living, and the Growth Group as a lab for you to work out the truths in the message and figure out with your group's help how to apply it to your life during the week. In the case of the book studies in the Spring, and there are still two sermon based Growth Groups in the Spring also, you will need to procure or order the book or kit payed by yourself. We have had Financial Peace University, Bible book studies other than sermon series like on the End Times, parenting studies, or marriage studies, even life issues like dealing with pornography or depression and anxiety.
How Do I Join a Group?
Before each Growth Group quarter begins, there are three ways to join a group. 1) You can simply sign up at the Welcome Desk in the front Foyer of the church entrance on Sunday mornings starting about a month out from their beginnings. You will hear them in announcements and in the bulletins. 2) You can call the Church Office on Tuesday through Thursday between 10am and 3pm and talk to the Ministry Assistant and she will sign you up for the group of your choosing. 3) You can register online about one month before they begin each quarter.