Ministry is serving and growing in Christ. All our ministries seek to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We do this through multiple means and ministries, but all seek to point us to connect better to God and provide opportunities for people to serve Him and our community.
Women's Ministry
We believe that women are one of God's greatest creations and bring a special sweet aroma to this life. Our women are often the backbone of ministry, as in Jesus' time. Jesus himself was supported and looked after by many women who gave their lives to help Him in His ministry (Mark 15:40). It is no different today! Our women lead and participate in music worship ministry, children and youth ministry, and hospitality ministry. Our ladies engage in bi-annual teas, women's retreats, crafting circles, and Ladies' Night Out events.
Men's Ministry
Our Men's Ministry is serious about service and fun! We host monthly Men's Prayer breakfasts on the first Saturday of each month at 7am at the church where the deacons and elders cook and serve the men of the church and community.
We particiapte in a Men's Retreat annually. This is a great time to get away from all the work and family stress and get alone with our brothers and God out in nature.
We also have fun times like game nights such as poker, chess, or other outings such as boating, shooting, or hunting. We get together to study God's Word in specialized Men's Bible Studies like Courageous or Point Man.
Senior Saints (Young at Heart)
Our Young at Heart group is an exciting, busy group! They seek to study God's Word together, fellowship and support one another. They are among some of our most committed and service oriented ministers. They seek to love and be loved in Christ.
Sunday School/Bible Study
We are not concerned with what you call it! Instead, we are concerned that we gather in small groups to learn about God and love each other, supporting one another in our faith journeys. That is what this time is all about. We believe strongly in studying the Word of God- the Bible. We need to have a certain level of biblical literacy (Bible understanding and proficency) and biblical knowledge (knowledge of the Bible) to love God and obey Him. We need to leverage the truths of the Bible to better our lives and live more abundantly and obediently for the Lord Jesus. We need also to make friends in the faith and support one another through prayer, love, caring ministry, hanging out and having fun together, and just being there for one another. Sunday School/Bible Study is for all ages at 9am each Sunday.
Our youth group seeks to help adolescents navigate the turmoil of this life successfully and with growth and intimacy with God their Father through Jesus Christ. We do this through crazy and fun activities that build group cohension and peer support, as well as through relevant Bible study and application of its timeless truths to the lives of young people. We seek to equip youth with the wisdom to engage their cutlure for Christ and make an impact for Him and His Kingdom.
Calvary Church has a varied and broad musical worship service. With the encouragment of Psalm 150, we will use a variety of musical instruments like drums, acoutsic and bass electric guitars, keyboards, piano at times, and tambourines and cymbals. We will also blend both contemporary Christian music with the great traditional hymns of our faith. We use men and women, as well as teens and children in our varied musical worship. One thing is certain: We love to worship Jesus and exalt His name through music and song! (Hebrews 13:15)
Missional Community Service
We believe strongly in loving others by serving them. Our elders serve breakfast once a week and our church body does the dinner once every few weeks for nine months of the year to cooperate with other churches to serve our homeless population in Delta. We gather food for the food bank regularly and many members volunteer their time and energies serving families there.
We host Operation Christmas Child and gather over 800 boxes for children around the world annually. We also serve our community with free food and hot chocolate during our annual Christmas Parade in December and free water during Deltarado Days in late July. We further host youth clean up days on Main Street and in local parks. We collect school supplies for local students. We serve in the local prison and are part of Kairos weekends there. We offer free sports clinics to Delta kids in the summer. We serve in the local prison ministry and support its chaplain.
Serving God means serving our neighbor. After all, Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself" and "Whatever you did for the least of these, you do for Me."
Children are a blessing from the Lord and our future Christ followers. We seek to minister to children in an age appropriate manner in a safe environment. We desire to nurture both the children you entrust to us and the faith God entrusts us to impart to your kids. Learning about Jesus is fun and exciting!