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Enduring the Struggles

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Phillippians 4:13

Yes, life is difficult. Every single day comes with new and unexpected surprises that life throws our way. And a lot of the time, we underestimate ourselves and the way in which we can conquer the mountains blocking happiness and stress-free environments from our lives. We look down and say ‘I can’t do this. I’m not strong enough’. And those very words are the words that intoxicate our minds into making us believe that we truly can’t overcome the obstacle ahead of us. But in reality, we can overcome any obstacle in our way, all because of Jesus. There are times when we don’t feel the strength we need to bounce back from those blockades in life, and we feel like we’re unable to do anything. But we can. We can do all things, because Christ gives us the strength we need to survive each and every day, whether we realize it or not. We may feel like we’re alone in the world, but we’re not. We may feel lonely in our struggles. But we’re not. Because we can always count on one person to be with us through the constant difficulties of this life, and we never have to doubt that He will be there for us. Jesus will always be there. Not when you’re just dealing with the little things, but through everything. He is the one who will never leave your side through the passing of a loved one, or as you deal with the stupid decision you wish you could take back. Although it may seem like everyone else is against you, Jesus is the one who will always be there for you. Never lose hope. The difficulties of this life are only temporary. And although struggles are inevitable, the way you deal with those struggles is optional. He has showed us the power of His commitment to us through so many circumstances in this life, and to doubt that love would be a waste. All it takes is a sincere prayer. Even "Jesus, I need you" is enough. This heart's desire is all you need to believe to receive that comfort and love you are so desperately looking for.

Verses to Remember:

-Philippians 4:13

-2 Timothy 4:17

-Psalms 43:4

-Romans 8:18

-Exodus 14:14

-Isaiah 43:2

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