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Jesus said, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you."


At Calvary, we take this command seriously and seek to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to  people everywhere. We serve our local community in outreach at free activities like sports camps, Vacation Bible School, Kairos prison spiritual retreats, and leading choir for inmates at Delta Correctional Center.


We also are serving the homeless weekly through cooperating with other Delta churches in Abraham's Connection, and serving the less advantaged internationally across the border in Mexico by building homes for the poor through Casas por Cristo (homes for Christ).


We participate in the local Christmas time Parade of Lights, and serve food and refreshments in Christ's name at Deltarado Days in July. We also have served at the Boo Bash for Halloween in years past as well as other community events. 


Our youth are seeking a sports camp missions trip to serve another community in Colorado in Christ's name soon. Youth do clean up days regularly in Delta. Calvary men have also served a church in Nucla, CO by remodeling the SBC church there. 


Among our elders we have done missions work in Russia, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Canada, Scotland, and one of our elders leads our local chapter of Christian Motorcyclists of America. Another elder and his family served a Colorado Christian camp for over a decade. Congregants have done missions in China, India, Ireland, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Scotland among other lands. We pray for a people group weekly.


We also are the annual collection center for Operation Christmas Child and participate in all SBC missions such as Lottie Moon Offering.

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